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Do you need a pcr test to travel to canada. Canada eases Covid-19 testing rules for vaccinated travelers- Do you need a pcr test to travel to canada
Travelers are now able to use a cheaper and quicker antigen test, as long as it is taken at a healthcare facility. The antigen test has to be taken a day before entering the border or getting onto a flight. The government says people will still be randomly selected for PCR testing, but will no longer have to quarantine while waiting for their results.
This one of several federal travel restrictions that are easing today. The government is also easing its advisory recommending Canadians to avoid non-essential travel.
It is also lifting restrictions on unvaccinated children younger than 12 travelling with vaccinated adults. Unvaccinated travelers will still be required to be tested on arrival into Canada and must quarantine for 14 days. As of Monday, all Canadian airports that normally receive international flights will once again be able to do so. Previously, only 18 accepted international arrivals. Sunday, June 5, Personalities Contact Us Subscribe.
Prodigal Sonz program helps at-risk youth direct their energy to a…. Pride in the Park returns to St. Niagara Falls Comic Con returns. Access Hollywood. American Song Contest. To Tell the Truth. News Top News Story. Prodigal Sonz program helps at-risk youth direct their energy to a positive team sport. Local Weather. Local News. June 5, , pm 0. A community group in Hamilton hosted an event on Saturday that brought post-incarcerated youth and police together through basketball.
For the 18th year, Hamilton Police, Catharines June 5, , pm. Niagara Falls Comic Con returns June 5, , pm.
June 3, , pm. Westdale Secondary School was closed Friday following a shooting threat June 3, , pm. Ohsweken Speedway kicks off its 25th season Friday night June 3, , am. Catharines man charged after multiple garbage fires downtown: police June 3, , am. Prodigal Sonz program helps at-risk youth direct their energy to a June 5, , pm. All Rights Reserved.
Do you need a pcr test to travel to canada.Travel to Canada and COVID-19 Updates
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